Pupil Wellbeing

The health, welfare and wellbeing of the young people in our care is of the utmost importance to us and the school has a range of expertise to ensure pupils feel secure, well-supported and looked after.

It is important to look after yourself both physically and mentally.

If pupils feel worried or overwhelmed by something in their personal life or in school there is help and support available.

At Kents Hill Park School pupils can speak to any adult including their form tutor, teacher, Head of Year or Pupil Services. They will listen to your concerns and offer you advice on the best places to get help and support.

The Mental Health Support Team held an event focused on Anxiety. Below is link to a presentation that could be beneficial to all:

MK MHST Information & Support – Anxiety

KHParents Coffee Morning- Anxiety

You can report any concerns that you have for your own or another pupil’s wellbeing or safety, using the form below. This might include incidents that you have witnessed or experienced, or bullying that you are aware of:

How you feel matters:
Getting Support in Milton KEYNES

A range of services and support is available for supporting children and young people in Milton Keynes with their emotional health and wellbeing


There are also many organisations and resources available on the internet that offer help to young people; we have listed some of these below.

Healthier Together

The  Healthier Together website is a digital resource designed to support children, young people and their parents/carers. It aims to empower parents and carers – giving them the right tools to manage their children and young people’s physical health and emotional well-being. In addition, it has a lot of information for young people to access and use for themselves. 

The section for  Parents/Carers covers key areas such as ‘Should my child go to school/nursery today’, information on a range of common illnesses and childhood vaccinations, in addition to a large section on SEND. Another section entitled  Health for Young People speaks directly to young people and provides information on mental health, sexual health and LGBTQ+ issues.

Thanks to a functionality called Recite Me, the site is also accessible to people who may be disabled, visually impaired, speak English as a second language or are elderly. The web content can be translated into over  100 different languages.