Year 2 Curriculum

Marvellous Medicine

Our next half term of learning will focus on marvellous medicine, with a particular link to the history of nursing. For our Super Start, the children will explore a range of historical artefacts linked to nursing. As part of our Marvellous Middle, the children will celebrate International Nurses Day and have the opportunity to speak to a real hospital nurse. Our Fabulous Finish will link to our PSHRE unit of Staying Safe and will give children the opportunity to learn first-hand what to do in different scenarios at the Hazard Alley Safety Centre!

Click here to see what we will be learning about this half term in more detail (Year 2 Medium Term Overview Summer 1))


Manners Curriculum

Excellent manners are extremely important. Each week we will focus on strengthening a different social skill.

Please click here to see our Manners Curriculum for EYFS and Key Stage One