Year 2 Homework

Completing homework plays an important part in ensuring children can consolidate new learning. Little and often is the key to securing new knowledge into long-term memory. In Year 2, the children are developing many of their early reading skills and therefore it is important that they are able to practise their reading, writing and maths at home. Please see below an outline of our homework tasks for this half term.

Weekly Homework

Every Friday, your child will bring home a short homework activity. This will alternate between reading, writing and maths tasks.

The activity will have 5 parts, one to complete at home each day of the week. The activities will be in line with what your child has already learnt in school. Most activities will come with a QR code which will link to a video modelling the activity.

Spring 1 Homework

Spring 2 Homework


New spellings sent home – each Monday

Spelling Quiz – following Monday

Task – The children will be sent home with ten spellings each week. For this half-term, the spellings will be common exception words (we refer to them as ‘red’ / ‘tricky’ words at school) and words that follow Year 1 spelling rules.

Common exception words are words that do not follow regular phonics patterns. Therefore, they are words that we need to learn how to spell.

The spellings should be practised everyday using the look-say-cover-write-check method:

LOOK carefully at the word

SAY the word aloud a few times

COVER the word with their hand

WRITE it down on their spellings sheet

CHECK if they were correct

Spelling Overview Summer 1 (group 1)

Spelling Overview Summer 1 (group 2)


Remember to read regularly at home. It’s important your child reads their book more than once to develop their confidence and fluency. As well as listening to your child read, please also ask them questions about what they have read.

Please record home reading in your child’s reading diary with a comment reflecting what they have done well, and anything they found difficult. Further guidance for recording home reading can be found at the front of your child’s reading diary.

Information about the Read Write Inc. reading books your child is bring home can be found on our Year 2 Phonics and Reading page.


Reading Rocket Race

1. Read SEVEN times a week at home to earn an entry into our reading rocket race raffle! Each half-term a lucky winner from each class will be the recipient of a brand new reading book of their choosing.

2. You require ten entries to complete each level:
Bronze – Silver – Gold – Platinum
You will receive a special certificate when you have completed each one!

3. Each week we add your number of home reads onto your running total.
Watch the Reading Rocket Race in your classroom to see who is in the lead to have their name engraved upon our school plaque at the end of the year!

4. If more than one read is recorded on a single date that counts as one read.

For example:
11.9.22 – The Giant Turnip – p1-5
11.9.22 – Cinderella – p15-20
12.9.22 – The Giant Turnip – p6-9
13.9.22 – The Giant Turnip – p10-END
= Three home reads

5. The class with the most reads each week wins our reading rocket race mascot Peter Rabbit and earns themselves 5 minutes of extra play time!

Good luck and happy reading!


Number Bonds

Confident and accurate number bond recall is a critical skill that all children require. It enables them to work efficiently when problem solving across the maths curriculum and is a necessity for everyday life. It is expected that children can represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20 by the end of Year 2 (e.g. I know that 3 + 5 = 8, 4 + 4 = 8 / 12 + 8 = 20, 11 + 9 = 20).

To support the children in learning their number bonds and to quicken their recall, we are introducing a weekly Number Bonds Challenge. Children will have the opportunity once a week to play Hit the Button with the aim of scoring high enough to progress on to the next level.

Hit the Button is an online game which is free to access on all devices – perfect for practising at home! Click here to go to the Hit The Button website.

We encourage the children to use this as much as possible as it will strengthen their recall speed and accuracy.