Pupil Services

Pupil Services is open daily and staffed by Miss Julie Posiak and Miss Emily Hill.

Pupil Services offers a wide variety of assistance to pupils which consists of the following: loaning of uniform for pupils which have forgotten, lost or damaged theirs. We do however ask for any items borrowed to be returned at the end of the school day. Should your child have an appointment and needs to leave the school early, please email pupilservices@kentshillpark.school with all the details and a copy of the text/letter. We ask that you remind your child of the appointment so they can make their way to Pupil Services at the time you wish to collect.

Pupil Services is also the dedicated area for First Aid. Be advised no pupil will be allowed home unaccompanied, and therefore must be collected by a family member to ensure their well-being and safety.  All medication must be handed into the main office with a completed medical consent form. This will then be logged and kept in the medication cabinet. All medication must be prescribed, in the original box, in date and have the child’s name and address printed on the box.  We also hold a variety of period products. 

All lost property is located in Pupil Services and can be collected at the end of the school day or during break/lunchtimes. Any confiscated items will be returned to pupils at the end of the day unless it is parental collect for a mobile phone confiscation.

Pupil Services open hours:

Registration: 8.20am – 8.40am

Break: 10.45am – 11.05am

Lunch: 1.05pm – 1.45pm

Afterschool: 3.10pm-3.30pm

 Milton Keynes All in One Card 

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