Year 4 Curriculum

The Romans

Our new topic will focus on The Romans and will extend from Summer 1 into Summer 2. We will begin with ‘Romans on the Rampage’ – focusing on the invasions, the Roman Gods and Goddesses, the daily life of a Roman, rulers and the growth of the Roman Empire.  For our Super Start, we will make a Roman scutum (shield) and recreate the formations used by Roman soldiers. As Geographers and Historians, our ‘on the rampage’ focus will allow us to study the areas covered by the Roman Empire, considering the life of Roman Soldiers and key individuals including Julius Caesar, Queen Boudicca and Claudius.  For our Marvellous Middle the children will visit the Verulamium museum to stretch the children’s learning and explore different artefacts. Our Fabulous Finish will be revealed in Summer 2, where we will move on to ‘What did they leave us?’ –  in which we will investigate the legacy of Roman culture and its impact on Britain. We will explore art, culture, society and theatre, along with Boudicca’s rebellion. 

Click here to see our Summer 1 Medium-Term Plan

Manners Curriculum

Excellent manners are extremely important. Each week we will focus on strengthening a different social skill.

 Click here to see our Manners Curriculum Overview 2023-2024

Our Topics This Year

Autumn 1 – The Ancient Greeks

Autumn 2 – Tour of Britain

Spring 1 – Humans vs. Nature – Who is stronger?

Spring 2 – Amazing Americas and Beautiful Biomes

Summer 1 and 2 – Romans