Dear Parent/Carer,

Kents Hill Park School – Year 3 September 2020

I am delighted that your child will be joining us in September 2020 as we continue on our exciting journey.

Important documents to be read, completed and returned by email by Friday 5th June

Please find below a link to our registration forms that will give you important information about key aspects of the school.

If you would like to be able to make bookings for the breakfast and/or afterschool club please download, complete and return the form below by email:

The document checklist, registration form and permission/consent record must be downloaded, completed and returned by email to the primary school office email address by Friday 5th June. It is essential that the school receives this information by this time so that we can proceed with your admission.

I look forward to welcoming you to Kents Hill Park School.

Yours faithfully,

Mr James Pilgrim
