Victorians: A Brighter Future?

During the Summer 1 term we will conclude our topic exploring The Victorian era and its long-lasting legacy.

As Historians, we will continue to explore life under the reign of Queen Victoria. We will research Dr Barnardo’s work surrounding the plight of destitute children in Victorian London along with exploring leisure time and significant inventions of the era.

Our RE topic, ‘Creation Stories’, compares and contrasts beliefs about the ‘beginning’ of the world from various faiths and cultures, offering perspectives including  Judaism, Christianity , Hinduism and Sikhism.

As Designers and Artists, we will explore Victorian decoupage before attempting ‘cross-stitch’ projects.

As Scientists, we will investigate ‘Light’, first consolidating learning from LKS2 before exploring ‘how’ objects are seen and why shadows appear as they do, due to light traveling in straight lines.


Please see the Year 6 KHP Medium Term Overview SUMMER 1 2024 for more detail.


Manners Curriculum

Excellent manners are extremely important. Each week we will focus on strengthening a different social skill.

Click here to see our Manners Curriculum 

Our Topics This Year (so far)…

Autumn 1 and Autumn 2 – The Heart, Health and Humanism

Spring 1 – Fair Trade, Freedom and Power

Spring 2 – Victorians: Children of the Revolution