A high standard of personal appearance is expected of all pupils; these standards should be maintained and are regarded by everyone at Kents Hill Park as very important. In accepting a place, parents/carers agree to support fully the school in this matter.
For details of Kents Hill Park’s full uniform and PE kit, please see the school’s Uniform and Equipment Policy.
Uniform Provider
Maisies is the named outfitters of Kents Hill Park’s uniform. Primary and secondary uniform is available in store and to order online via the website:
Alternatively, telephone Maisies on 01908 313313. They also have a store: 60/64 Church Street, Wolverton, MK12 5JW.
Pre-Loved Uniform
Thanks to the many generous donations of uniform we receive, Kents Hill Park has a selection of pre-loved uniform available for its pupils.
To request pre-loved uniform, please email the primary or pupil services at the secondary detailing the items and sizes you require.
If you have any spare suitable uniform to donate, please hand it in to the primary and the secondary’s main offices.
Milton Keynes Council Household Support Fund
Milton Keynes Council manage several schemes aimed at supporting residents with low incomes. These schemes are to help ease the financial pressure residents may face. The Governments Household Support Fund will provide additional funding, alongside specific funding from the Council to help residents who are in financial difficulties and struggling to meet the cost of essential items including:
- Food
- Energy and water bills
- Repair or purchase of essential household appliances
- Servicing and repair of heating systems
- School uniform or other essential clothing
- Other essential living costs