Encounters with Employers and Employees

Employers and schools work together in creative ways to ensure pupils build a rich picture of the world of work and are well prepared to take up workplace opportunities. Kents Hill Park School provides first hand encounters with employers as part of careers programmes. They build sustainable relationships with large and small employers and plan mentoring, careers talks, mock interviews, enterprise competitions and workplace visits.

The encounters are well planned and help to increase pupil enthusiasm and confidence regarding careers. We have worked closely and established links with Grand Union Housing Group Limited and the Milton Keynes based charity WorkTree to ensure pupils encounter a wide range of experiences.

Careers Events 2020-21

“Find My Job Day” by WorkTree – 19/5/21 – Years 7, 8, and 9

Careers Lessons – w/c 24/5/21 – Year 7, 8, and 9: Pupils to have a subject specific careers lesson for each subject they are taught

Year 7 Careers WorkOut – 9/6/21 – Year 7: Pupils will get to meet various different guests to discover information regarding their careers and how they got there

Year 8 Careers WorkOut – 18/6/21 – Year 8:  Pupils will get to meet various different guests to discover information regarding their careers and how they got there

Year 9 Careers WorkOut – 09/07/21 – Year 9:  Pupils will get to meet various different guests to discover information regarding their careers and how they got there